Marjoram Essential Oil


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Marjoram essential oil is rich in antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants have been linked to lower levels of inflammation, improved mental health and a healthier immune system. In addition, they can help improve cognitive function and prevent disease.

It Can Help Fight Pain and Inflammation

Marjoram essential oil can be effective in helping to reduce pain and inflammation, which are often linked to chronic illnesses. A study found that people who used marjoram essential oil experienced a reduction in pain and discomfort after four weeks of use. The effects were most pronounced among those with chronic joint pain or conditions such as arthritis. In addition, the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of marjoram essential oil may make it an effective treatment for wound healing and to help fight infections.

It May Improve Respiratory Health

Marjoram essential oil can be beneficial for respiratory health due to its powerful, natural anti-inflammatory compounds. A study published in 2013 found that marjoram essential oil may help to reduce chest congestion, coughing, and even asthma symptoms. The expectorant qualities of this oil make it a great choice to break up phlegm and promote healthy breathing. Additionally, the antimicrobial properties of marjoram essential oil can help ward off any potential illnesses.

Could Improve Digestion

Marjoram essential oil is known to help improve digestive health due to its carminative and antispasmodic properties. This means it can reduce any symptoms of indigestion such as cramping, bloating, gas, and other forms of pain or discomfort. For this reason, adding a few drops of marjoram essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser may be beneficial for those experiencing digestive issues.

Marjoram Oil Has Antimicrobial Properties

Marjoram essential oil has antimicrobial capabilities, meaning it can be used to fight off both bacteria and virus-related illnesses. This means it may help protect your body against infections by providing a barrier of defense between pathogens and your cells. Apply marjoram essential oil topically or diffuse it in the air of the room in which you are spending time to create this form of protection.

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Weight N/A

10ML, 50ML


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